Saturday, December 7, 2013

Overcoming Obstacles

Do you ponder about how to overcome an obstacle? Um, I certainly don't think so! I actually panic! People's lives are complicated by so Much 'over commitment', which the end result Could be chaos! For me it's not an over commitment, rather The simple effort of daily living. Priorities take priority. Okay, that's simple-they're ALL priority Or I wouldn't be 'spasaming' out! When I have 3 or realistically, 5-7 #1's on my 'To Do List,' they're all screaming For priority status and 'should've been done since Yesterday!' You know, 'Should-a, Could-a,Didn't!' I'm not a procrastinator. I just micromanage everything. Being a procrastinator, at least you're 'labeled' And you can get away with it-temporarily! However, when you micro-manage, the label Is unfavorable. However, it has no options but to work. So, how do you overcome obstacles? What tidbits do you place in order to attain your Overall goal? In the meantime, my dryer is buzzing, my dog's Want out, My ears are buzzing and I want out! Be well...